First intelligent sound system ready for the after market
The innovative company ECTunes introduces the first intelligent sound system that can be retrofitted in existing electric cars such as the Citröen C-Zero, the Renault Fluence, the Peugeot Ion and the Toyota Prius. The sound system ensures maximum safety for all road users as well as a minimum of noise pollution for the surroundings.
The Danish Company ECTunes, which is financed by the equity company Insero, has finished developing the intelligent sound system that will make streets and workplaces safer in the future, now that electric vehicles are becoming increasingly widespread.
The system is the first which can be retrofitted in existing electric vehicles, and it has been tested on e.g. the Citroën C-Zero. Here, experience clearly shows that the sound system – and the safety it provides – is of great importance, especially to the driver. With the sound system, the driver knows that other road users, particularly the vulnerable ones, can actually hear the car coming.
- We know that both consumers and businesses prioritize safety and economy, when they invest in electric and hybrid vehicles. The intelligent sound, which is only used in contexts where it is needed, adds just that safety without bothering the surroundings unnecessarily, says Jesper Boie Rasmussen, CEO at ECTunes.
The intelligent sound system
The sound system from ECTunes is intelligent in the sense that the sounds follow the vehicle speed, acceleration, direction and position. The system interprets input from the vehicle and subsequently converts it into intelligent sound, meaning that sound is sent only to where the need is, thus avoiding unnecessary noise.
The system is easily integrated in both new and existing vehicles, and the sound scape can be developed to fit the specific needs of the user, or the workplace in which the system is used.
Additionally, the system is in accordance with future regulatory requirements in e.g. the United States, where the future holds a legal requirement to have sound in electric and hybrid vehicles, which is also the case in Japan.
ECTunes has conducted extensive tests of the sound system ahead of launch, including tests on electric vehicles at major Danish and international businesses and manufacturers such as Hydro Aluminium, Siemens Wind Power and FNsteel. Here, the experiences are extremely positive, and the system has proved to be particularly effective in places, where background noise is already present, such as in production halls and warehouses.
- We have worked with ECTunes on the development of sound for our electric forklifts in the production area, and we have achieved a sound scape that is both realistic, audible, and at the same time not uniform. Now the only disadvantage of electric forklifts that has been removed, says Christian Lagoni, Engineering Manager at Hydro Aluminium Precision Tubing Tønder A / S.
For further information - please contact:
At ECTunes ApS: Thomas Gadegaard, CSO, phone: +45 21 21 86 62, mail: [email protected].
Facts about ECTUNES ApS:
- ECTUNES develops and produces innovative sound systems that can be integrated in electric and hybrid vehicles such as cars, motorcycles, scooters and electric forklifts.
- ECTUNES is a Danish company with offices in Copenhagen and Vitus Bering Innovation Park in Horsens.
- ECTUNES is founded on a vision to make the next generation of electric vehicles safer while also improving the driving experience.
- ECTUNES is based on expert knowledge and competences within acoustic sound systems as well as the latest technology within electric and hybrid vehicles.
- The Danish equity company Insero has invested in ECTunes, which is also part of the business cluster Insero E-Mobility. Commercial products are presently ready for the market.
- ECTUNES collaborates with leading manufacturers within the car industry and industrial vehicles.